Photography in delhi
Photography is our passion, and we know it's yours. At, you can read photography articles, browse photography equipment and digital camera reviews, purchase advertise photograph, Commercial photograph, digital cameras, find stock photography, Adevertising Photography, Product Photography, Commercial Photography, Fashion Photography, Portfolio Photography, Kids Photography.
What is photography?
The word "photography" is derived from the Greek language: photo means light and graph(on) means written. Photography is defined by the Webster and other dictionaries as the art or process of producing images on a sensitized surface by the action of radiant energy and especially light. This is hot a rule or an immutable eternal law, but simply the technical and scientific definition of the term "photography," used in English and many other languages. Photography has changed, but its definition is still valid. A digital camera obtains images by the action of light on a light sensitive surface. The images are photographs, although the action of light is physical and hot chemical.